Do you need a captcha service for my site?

You may or may not need a captcha service on your website; it all depends on the kind of website you have. If your website does not rely on user generated content, there is a good chance that you will not need any captcha on your site.

Are your users allowed to create profiles on your website, can they post comments on your articles or images? If you have restricted access on your site and you have also closed the commenting functionality of the platform, you might not need any captcha because even the bots will fail to post anything on your website without the access to your hosting account.

However, if your website relies on user-generated content and you have no restrictions on the comments and profiles, you should definitely invest in a captcha service. Once you will have captcha implemented on your site, you will not be attacked by bots which post several comments with links to websites which are not in any way related to your website.